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Why Buy From A Dealer Vs A Manufacturer?

Written by Nationwide Cars on 23 Jun 2022, 12:45 p.m.

Why Buy From A Dealer Vs A Manufacturer?

For many of us on the market, looking for a new van or car, where we choose to buy our vehicle is just as difficult as deciding on the vehicle itself. Brand-new? Second-hand? Choosing to buy from a dealer, or directly from the manufacturer? All of these options come with their own unique set of pros and cons.

Fortunately, bearing in mind a few of these considerations below might just make the whole process easier for prospective buyers.

But First, Where Should You Start?

Or rather, how should you start? 

If you’re wondering how to buy a car in the UK, believe me, you’re not the only one. In fact, there are thousands of drivers every day hoping to make their first van purchase or upgrade their current vehicles to ones that would better suit their needs. 

Before committing to a new vehicle purchase, you should always consider the following factors:

The Speed Of Your Vehicle Delivery - Dealers vs Manufacturers

After deciding on the van or car you’d like, it can take as little as one or two days on average to buy a vehicle from a dealership. 

Seriously, that’s all it takes.

Taking the post-covid challenges faced by the automotive industry into consideration, the effects of the delays in transport and delivery are clear to see. The struggle to source the correct parts is an industry-wide issue that has only been exacerbated post-pandemic. 

COVID-Related Delivery Delays

Manufacturers (or OEM’s) across the UK and on a global scale, are dealing with huge COVID-related backlogs that have resulted in some of the longest vehicle delays we’ve ever seen. This raises some serious concerns, particularly for drivers looking for the best place to buy a van in the UK. 

Van drivers need their vehicles road-ready and delivered in a timely manner in order to meet their own demands. For many, these 12-month-plus delays have all but completely ruled out the option of purchasing a van from an OEM, in favour of instead buying their vehicles directly from a dealership. 

The Suitability Of Your Vehicle 

One of the primary benefits of ordering your motor vehicle directly from an OEM, is the ability for your vehicle to be manufactured according to your specifications. This is a great benefit for those who have in mind exactly what they want and provided the instructions are followed accurately. It means that new drivers can walk away with a car that’s truly their own.

The Drawbacks Of Made-To-Order Vehicles

The problem with made-to-order vehicles, aside from the increased cost and extreme delays in delivery, is that most drivers do not require a tailor-made vehicle. 

Many buyers are quite happy browsing the selection of available vehicles at a dealership and taking their pick from the selection of cars and vans already on offer. 

Buying a vehicle in this way saves both time, money and avoids uncertainty, as what you see in a dealership is what you get (and you’ll also be able to test drive your new set of wheels before purchasing too).

Choosing A Dealership You Can Trust

Even after deciding you’d prefer to buy a car from a dealership, finding the best place to buy a car can prove to be challenging, specifically in finding a dealership you can trust. Finding a trusted dealer, with the industry know-how to help you make an informed decision is crucial in ensuring you can buy your vehicle with confidence.

It’s always best to check review sites online and shortlist a few dealerships before deciding which is best for you and your needs. A dealership with a reputation for transparency and honesty, such as Nationwide Cars, is an excellent choice when shopping for the best place to buy your new vehicle. 

Nationwide Cars is a family-owned and operated car dealership with over 35 years of automotive industry experience and a customer service approach that’s second-to-none. They’re the leading wholesaler of Brand-New Commercial Vans and New Cars.

The reality, though, is that the decision is completely up to you, and it’s important to consider the pros and cons of both options before committing to a decision either way. 

If you’re on the hunt for a custom-manufactured van, then you may be willing to deal with the extended 8 to 12-month wait time for delivery, in the hopes that you’ll have the perfect vehicle, delivered right to your doorstep.

If you’d prefer a more ready-made option, consider placing your order with a dealer and enjoy the more straightforward approach to buying a car. You’ll even be able to drive away with your new car on the same day you make your purchase!

To see our selection of Cars and Commercial Vans available from Nationwide Cars, browse our range today or speak to one of our colleagues about the vehicle that may be best suited for you.