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How To Pack Your Car For Holiday

Written by Nationwide Cars on 20 Jun 2019, 3:28 p.m.

How To Pack Your Car For Holiday

Going on holiday is exciting, but planning the logistics of the trip can be difficult. The stress usually begins when organising luggage and packing your clothes. If you’re travelling by car for your holiday, things can become even more complex. With the morning rush to get in the car before setting off to your destination, you don’t want to struggle to get everything in your boot. To help make holiday packing a little easier for you, Nationwide Cars are on hand to share our essential top tips on how to pack your car for your holiday.

Know The Size Of Your Boot 

Having a rough idea of the dimensions of your boot is a good start. This can help you gauge how much luggage you can fit into the back of your car. It will also mean you can consider which items you want to take. If you have a baby, you’ll probably have a huge amount of additional accessories - for that alone, you’ll need a bigger boot!

When preparing to pack your car, remove all items you don’t need from the boot and store them elsewhere. If you’re setting off in the middle of summer, you won’t need that big winter coat you keep in the back so leave it behind. Removing unnecessary items will free up space and could help your fuel consumption. If you need extra storage space, a roof rack will help you fit everything in.

Cars With Big Boots

If you’re worried that your current car isn’t big enough to store your holiday gear, consider these vehicles which all have larger boots:

Small Cars:

Family Hatchbacks:


Estate Cars:

People Carriers:

Careful Loading

Packing everything into your car can turn into a game of TETRIS, as you try to put the right shapes into the spaces available. It’s vital to load your luggage in the best way possible. Larger items of luggage must go in first, otherwise you could have wasted space where smaller items can be crammed in. So follow the golden rule for getting the most out of your space and place your big suitcases on the bottom and hand luggage on top.

While the end goal is to ensure all your luggage is packed in, you must also ensure it’s safe. Rear windows shouldn’t be blocked up with large items as you still need to see out the back. No items should be loose as this could cause them to fly around the car and potentially cause injuries or an accident. The driver’s visibility mustn't be obstructed so make sure everything is secured appropriately.

Vacuum Pack Your Luggage 

A great tip if you’re having to pack a lot into your suitcase is to buy vacuum bags. These can make a huge difference in maximising the space. Place your clothes in the bag, attach your vacuum to it and suck out the air.

Even with this great solution, you still need to be frugal with what you need to take on your holiday. Be ruthless and you’ll have enough space in your car.

Creative Solutions 

The boot is not the only space available in a car. While most of your luggage will dominate the boot space, there are lots of nooks and crannies that can be utilised. Gaps under the seats, the footwell and glove box are all potential storage areas. Even the smallest of cars have these spaces available which will swallow up all your luggage.

Keep Your Children Entertained 

Now everything is packed in and you’re ready to embark on your journey, but there’s one thing you need to remember: how to entertain the kids for the long drive. If you’re a parent, the thing you dread hearing is one of them asking, “Are We There Yet?” They need to be entertained to ensure you have a smooth journey. Consider letting them have a tablet computer in the back to ensure they have something to watch or play with during the journey. Load it with films they really want to watch and games they love to play. By keeping your kids entertained, the boredom won’t set in.

For more motoring tips and insight on how to look after your car this summer, check out the Nationwide Cars Blog!